Big Crooked Lake Association holds Meetings to help you stay informed.
Minutes BCLIA Annual Meeting 2024
4/30/24 Grattan Township Hall 7 PM
Sign in for attendance and payment of 2024 yearly dues and boat launch key distribution was upon arrival. Attendance was approximately 50 people.
Flyers from Murray Lake, Toms Toons and a rep from Harbor Hawk were available. Erin from Harbor Hawk also gave a brief presentation of their services with reference to a 10% group discount if we achieve 10 sign ups.
President Saralyn Venzio called meeting to order at 7:09.
Introduction of officers:
President Saralyn Venzio
VP Cheryl Conner
Treasurer Stacy Kloosterman
Secretary Sandra Fordyce
Introduction of Township supervisor Frank Force who was present.
Reference to our 2023 Trustees term ending and addition of 2024 Trustees. ( 1 year term)
Tom Betts /Lake Aquatic Science
Mike Post/ Communications Web Design
Volunteer for 3rd Trustee called for by President. Only volunteer was Jay Venzio. Secretary motioned for J. Venzio nomination and second was from Conner and approved by Pres. Saralyn Venzio.
Saralyn also brought up the increased association fees and explained the importance of the many improvements that could be implemented with more funds as well as the
importance of maintaining the boat launch and assuring we remain a private entity for lake access. No members voiced disagreement to the increase.
Need for Sewer Representative called for by Saralyn Venzio. Only volunteer was Jay Venzio. Nominted by Secretary Fordyce and second by VP Conner. Approved by Pres. Venzio.
Lake management township board BCL Rep was introduced:
Mr Jim Vanderploeg then gave an update from meetings and communication from the township water management board. Treatments for Starry Stonewort, Algae, various invasive weeds and Eurosorb application for phosphorous are being applied as well as water samples and invasive weed surveying are on going. Jim and his wife Jackie are updating information on the Association Facebook site as it develops.
Jim also had some history about Big Crooked Lake and was asked to explain why BCL residents formed an Association. Which was to maintain the boat launch and keep the lake access as private versus the county or township [maintain it which could make it public.
Jim told us his representation role runs to 2027.
Presentations of 2023 Annual meeting minutes were presented by secretary Sandra Fordyce and second by VP Cheryl Conner. Approved by President Venzio.
Vice President report:
Cheryl Conner discussed the new website, email and electronic payment she & Mike Post have been working on. These are improvements toward better access for communications, donations, concerns or volunteering resources. The options for donations was expanded upon for improvements.
Email: [email protected]
Paypal: Big Crooke Lake Association
Payments can also be made on the website.
Cheryl also mentioned the updated name & lake swan logo voted on by the board for our association as Big Crooked Lake Improvement Association. This is more descriptive of our goals as an association.
Questions can be forwarded to Trustee Mike Post or VP Cheryl Conner for these new sites.
Treasurer Report Stacy Kloosterman:
Currently 119 houses on the lake and 70 have paid the dues for 2024.
Balance information
Expenditures for events, postage, taxes, maintaining the boat launch, projects past and projected.
1/1/2023 Beginning Balance $3704.40
2023 deposits $2800 by 70 members
Private Poker Run Donation $1140.00
Locks/Keys $253.37 Fall Event $732.39
Postmaster $70. Fish Stocking $2,640.00
Insurance $284
Karl Kloosterman spoke on fish stocking and the private Poker Run donations.
He stated 600 walleye, 500 Blue Gills Hybrid in the amount of approximately $2600.
Karl invited members to join his Bass Tournament (& son) June 1st. $40 entry, which also results in some fish-stocking donation. He stated it is a November dump in of the fish.
Jim Vanderploeg also mentioned he began fish stoking in 2009/2010.
Secretary Report:
Sandra Fordyce reported known updates found on DNR site to Boater Safety.
*New: Jet Ski driving age is 14-15 with an adult
Age16 with boater safety certification.
Classes can be found contacting the DNR or groups can set up classes at a location. The GR Boat Show in Feb often has a boater safety class offered.
*New: Stand up paddleboard floatation device required onboard.
Mentioned a survey for members to voice ideas and information for the board was posted on the website and hard copies were provided at the annual meeting.
Also mentioned is the importance of our association members to pay the annual dues as we maintain a majority voice to ask for lake management treatments and improvements from the county lake board. We need to maintain a majority to represent the members of the association. Dues are also important for capitol for making improvements, maintain the boat launch, insurance, fish stocking, events and numerous improvements.
Environmental Update: Jim Vanderploeg mentioned the LMG meets and sets a 4 year budget. Owners are assed $339 currently for the treatment of the invasive weed species & algae (from phosphorous) using copper sulfate/ CCore /Eurosorb.
Water testing is done in October for fall.
Tom Betts-trustee who was with the board for the meeting this winter with PLM and County Board Rep Rick Buteyn was also
present. Both Jim and Tom are great resources as we communicate the need to further maintain our lake quality.
Question was asked about clearing some of the big island debris to access a sand beach area for general access. The project is noted and will require much involvement. Until there are volunteers to plan, fund raise, and implement it may be wait listed as future project per the agreement of the board.
Old Business: New Sewer Rep addressed.
New Business :
Coleen Timpson expressed issues with rental guests not following boat rotation, shooting off fireworks. County supervisor spoke to the rental ordinance and licensing.
Questions were: can we make rental properties pay higher dues?
Answer: We are not an HOA, the dues are expected payment but no leans can be issued against it.
Can neighbors be informed when a rental license is given?
No answer given.
Recommendation that the owners have “all Lake activity rules posted clearly” at the property they rent.
Bruce Farewell asked to leave old lock on launch gate until after the annual meeting. The BCLIA President said the locks would be changed by April 1st going forward to avoid the same confusion for early launching of boats. This was a warm winter and a new board, which needed to get the timing figured out. The loss of annual due payment will keep the launch key change the first week of April or April 1st. Contacts for picking up keys before the annual meeting will continue to be your board members with the annual due payment upon key access.
Some discussion on Fourth of July fireworks came up. Saralyn will follow up with the White family if it is still an option and we will post on website and Facebook sites to update you.
July Festival is set to Oct 13, 2024 and taking volunteers.
Tom Betts brought up that as a Sunday there is shooting at the Tricounty Club at their range. Sandy Fordyce and Carol Dodge have so far signed up to volunteer. More help will be necessary.
Additional Events: No volunteers so far to run a Golf outing fundraiser.
Boat Parade: Saralyn asked the room if a boat parade had interest for the fourth of July. The room was interested but plan was not completed. Volunteers needed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM by President Saralyn
Minutes BCLIA Annual Meeting 2024
4/30/24 Grattan Township Hall 7 PM
Sign in for attendance and payment of 2024 yearly dues and boat launch key distribution was upon arrival. Attendance was approximately 50 people.
Flyers from Murray Lake, Toms Toons and a rep from Harbor Hawk were available. Erin from Harbor Hawk also gave a brief presentation of their services with reference to a 10% group discount if we achieve 10 sign ups.
President Saralyn Venzio called meeting to order at 7:09.
Introduction of officers:
President Saralyn Venzio
VP Cheryl Conner
Treasurer Stacy Kloosterman
Secretary Sandra Fordyce
Introduction of Township supervisor Frank Force who was present.
Reference to our 2023 Trustees term ending and addition of 2024 Trustees. ( 1 year term)
Tom Betts /Lake Aquatic Science
Mike Post/ Communications Web Design
Volunteer for 3rd Trustee called for by President. Only volunteer was Jay Venzio. Secretary motioned for J. Venzio nomination and second was from Conner and approved by Pres. Saralyn Venzio.
Saralyn also brought up the increased association fees and explained the importance of the many improvements that could be implemented with more funds as well as the
importance of maintaining the boat launch and assuring we remain a private entity for lake access. No members voiced disagreement to the increase.
Need for Sewer Representative called for by Saralyn Venzio. Only volunteer was Jay Venzio. Nominted by Secretary Fordyce and second by VP Conner. Approved by Pres. Venzio.
Lake management township board BCL Rep was introduced:
Mr Jim Vanderploeg then gave an update from meetings and communication from the township water management board. Treatments for Starry Stonewort, Algae, various invasive weeds and Eurosorb application for phosphorous are being applied as well as water samples and invasive weed surveying are on going. Jim and his wife Jackie are updating information on the Association Facebook site as it develops.
Jim also had some history about Big Crooked Lake and was asked to explain why BCL residents formed an Association. Which was to maintain the boat launch and keep the lake access as private versus the county or township [maintain it which could make it public.
Jim told us his representation role runs to 2027.
Presentations of 2023 Annual meeting minutes were presented by secretary Sandra Fordyce and second by VP Cheryl Conner. Approved by President Venzio.
Vice President report:
Cheryl Conner discussed the new website, email and electronic payment she & Mike Post have been working on. These are improvements toward better access for communications, donations, concerns or volunteering resources. The options for donations was expanded upon for improvements.
Email: [email protected]
Paypal: Big Crooke Lake Association
Payments can also be made on the website.
Cheryl also mentioned the updated name & lake swan logo voted on by the board for our association as Big Crooked Lake Improvement Association. This is more descriptive of our goals as an association.
Questions can be forwarded to Trustee Mike Post or VP Cheryl Conner for these new sites.
Treasurer Report Stacy Kloosterman:
Currently 119 houses on the lake and 70 have paid the dues for 2024.
Balance information
Expenditures for events, postage, taxes, maintaining the boat launch, projects past and projected.
1/1/2023 Beginning Balance $3704.40
2023 deposits $2800 by 70 members
Private Poker Run Donation $1140.00
Locks/Keys $253.37 Fall Event $732.39
Postmaster $70. Fish Stocking $2,640.00
Insurance $284
Karl Kloosterman spoke on fish stocking and the private Poker Run donations.
He stated 600 walleye, 500 Blue Gills Hybrid in the amount of approximately $2600.
Karl invited members to join his Bass Tournament (& son) June 1st. $40 entry, which also results in some fish-stocking donation. He stated it is a November dump in of the fish.
Jim Vanderploeg also mentioned he began fish stoking in 2009/2010.
Secretary Report:
Sandra Fordyce reported known updates found on DNR site to Boater Safety.
*New: Jet Ski driving age is 14-15 with an adult
Age16 with boater safety certification.
Classes can be found contacting the DNR or groups can set up classes at a location. The GR Boat Show in Feb often has a boater safety class offered.
*New: Stand up paddleboard floatation device required onboard.
Mentioned a survey for members to voice ideas and information for the board was posted on the website and hard copies were provided at the annual meeting.
Also mentioned is the importance of our association members to pay the annual dues as we maintain a majority voice to ask for lake management treatments and improvements from the county lake board. We need to maintain a majority to represent the members of the association. Dues are also important for capitol for making improvements, maintain the boat launch, insurance, fish stocking, events and numerous improvements.
Environmental Update: Jim Vanderploeg mentioned the LMG meets and sets a 4 year budget. Owners are assed $339 currently for the treatment of the invasive weed species & algae (from phosphorous) using copper sulfate/ CCore /Eurosorb.
Water testing is done in October for fall.
Tom Betts-trustee who was with the board for the meeting this winter with PLM and County Board Rep Rick Buteyn was also
present. Both Jim and Tom are great resources as we communicate the need to further maintain our lake quality.
Question was asked about clearing some of the big island debris to access a sand beach area for general access. The project is noted and will require much involvement. Until there are volunteers to plan, fund raise, and implement it may be wait listed as future project per the agreement of the board.
Old Business: New Sewer Rep addressed.
New Business :
Coleen Timpson expressed issues with rental guests not following boat rotation, shooting off fireworks. County supervisor spoke to the rental ordinance and licensing.
Questions were: can we make rental properties pay higher dues?
Answer: We are not an HOA, the dues are expected payment but no leans can be issued against it.
Can neighbors be informed when a rental license is given?
No answer given.
Recommendation that the owners have “all Lake activity rules posted clearly” at the property they rent.
Bruce Farewell asked to leave old lock on launch gate until after the annual meeting. The BCLIA President said the locks would be changed by April 1st going forward to avoid the same confusion for early launching of boats. This was a warm winter and a new board, which needed to get the timing figured out. The loss of annual due payment will keep the launch key change the first week of April or April 1st. Contacts for picking up keys before the annual meeting will continue to be your board members with the annual due payment upon key access.
Some discussion on Fourth of July fireworks came up. Saralyn will follow up with the White family if it is still an option and we will post on website and Facebook sites to update you.
July Festival is set to Oct 13, 2024 and taking volunteers.
Tom Betts brought up that as a Sunday there is shooting at the Tricounty Club at their range. Sandy Fordyce and Carol Dodge have so far signed up to volunteer. More help will be necessary.
Additional Events: No volunteers so far to run a Golf outing fundraiser.
Boat Parade: Saralyn asked the room if a boat parade had interest for the fourth of July. The room was interested but plan was not completed. Volunteers needed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM by President Saralyn